
Feminist wig maker versus US data analyst in slut shaming contest on Facebook

Feminist wig maker versus US data analyst in slut shaming contest on Facebook

There’s clearly a slut shaming contest going on between Facebook feminist Ijeoma Chinonyerem and US data analyst Toyosi Ogunbanwo on Facebook for days now.

Ijeoma Chinonyerem said Toyosi has been badmouthing her for a year since they blocked each other on Facebook while Toyosi Ogunbanwo claimed she didn’t do anything to provoke her except debunking her claim that she rejected a billionaire’s 15k in one of her recent post.

Here are some of Ijeoma’s posts regarding the fight:

Post 1:

My 2019 in review:

Person A makes a post about Ijeoma

Omotoyosi: That bitch. She is blablabla and yada yada yada

Person B makes a post about Ijeoma


Omotoyosi: Ijeoma has nothing happening in her life. She is bitter, she is nyenyenye. Hiding under feminism. Sue her and the little girl on her wall so you’ll use her as an example. Ugly thing. Make sure you sue them for defamation.

Person C makes a post about Ijeoma

Omotoyosi: I wonder what people see in that thing. Her followers and her the people on her wall. I guess she attracts bitter, horrible souls like her. She’s a gaslighter.

Person D makes post about Ijeoma

Omotoyosi: she’s one to talk. I’m ashamed of men who actually go after women like her. No class, no taste.

People showed me screenshots of all her comments since we blocked each other. I never replied.



Ijeoma makes a post

Omotoyosi: makes at least 4 sub posts back to back mocking me and saying I no reach and yadi yada

Ijeoma replies omotoyosi

Omotoyosi: I don’t know what she’s talking about. She’s deceitful. You people know I’m innocent. I no dey find wahala. Oh my pearls.


Ever since I unfriended and blocked this hanty, the pettiness and obsession have been borderline stalker-y. Everywhere my name is mentioned, she jumps there with hatred and such bitterness that you’d think I did something horrible to her. Making back to back sub posts about me.

But look at her all humble and nice trying to play the victim now. Look at her going “I don’t know what she’s talking about” to the accusations.

You people forget that I have an eidetic memory.

Fact 1: Omotoyosi when your sugar daddy shagged your friend that night you came back from the club and slept off, you did not know. Then much later he told you to spite you. And you being the idiot that you are RAN TO FACEBOOK TO MAKE A POST ABOUT IT. YOU SET THE POST TO FRIENDS ONLY! WHO DOES THAT.

This happened in 2017. People were telling you to calm down. You were forming “fuck you bitch! You think he will not tell me. He loves me, he told me. I never wanna have anything to do with you again”. Speaking I wanna gonna on top person husband o.

The idiot didn’t think it through. She let her emotions get the best of her. When she realized she fell hand, she ran and deleted the post in less than an hour after posting.

Omotoyosi, I do not forget stuff. I never forget stuff.
I’m sure a handful of people still remember that post. You will not make me out to be a liar.

Now hanty, I can stop here or I can continue to talk about ALL the remaining facts on that list. The bonus track will be your botched plastic surgery. Don’t tempt me.

I will provide receipts that’ll rock your world because you will not make me out to be a liar!

I avoid people I blocked. You refused to accord me that same dignity. I have never gone on any post about you to insult you ever since we blocked ourselves. But you, mba. You must troll Ijeoma because she does not wear layers of pancake like you.

Better start respecting yourself from here on out. Respect your botched liposuction, dear.

Thank you.

PS: I do not know her. We were never friends. We never had any form of interaction. So I can’t understand why she is obsessed with me and won’t quit going from posts to posts saying shit since I unfriended and blocked her.

One more rebuttal and we’ll jump on the next fact. Ijeoma is ready for you. It took a full year of your trolling to unleash the dragon. But now, Ijeoma is ready for you.

Ijeoma Chinonyerem versus Toyosi Ogunbanwo

Post 2:

I’ve had a couple of people come inbox to ask questions about yesterday’s posts vis-a-vis feminism. They wanted to reconcile what they termed slut-shaming with my very feminist Facebook persona.

One of the first rules of 17th and 18th century duelling is that you come to the duel with the same weapon as your opponent.

If your opponent comes with a sword, you have to come with a sword. If they come with a rapier, you come with a rapier. If they come with a pistol, you come with a pistol.
You don’t come to a pistol fight with a dagger. You come with a pistol.

And that is what I do. I use people’s weapon of choice against them. You slutshame, you get slutshamed right back.

I make no apologies about it.

This is a girl that made a post which still lives in infamy in some mushroom websites slutshaming Joy and saying she sleeps with younger men.

You all applauded her and tagged her a sub queen.

She made a long ass post about Kedei talking about her sexual history and how she is a slut (she literally used the word slut), and how she would make sure her hospital knows she’s a slut and sacks her.

You all applauded her and egged her on.

She made a post about Isong being a thief upon all the sugar daddies she services.

You all jumped in glee at the revelation.

Then you come to tell me my feminism is null for using her favourite weapon of choice on her.


Someone drags me for a year, calls me ugly and uses vile words on me, bodyshames and slutshames me. And when I finally reply I’m supposed to fight the person with the blood of the lamb because feminism?

What do you think feminism is? Jesusism?

Feminism never said turn the other cheek, dears. It is not a “don’t retaliate” movement. That is christianity not feminism.

Feminism also doesn’t encourage women to be constantly bullied by other women or men.

If a man goes about slutshaming women like this madam did and writing to their hospitals to get them fired cause she’s a slut, people would rejoice when the man is slutshamed right back.

But because the culprit is a woman, we now have to make concessions.

Since I would slutshame a man who slutshames me, it is very feminist that I slutshame a woman who slutshames me. No partial treatment for women. That is what feminism is all about.

So if you think I’m going to apologize for yesterday, you are a joker. An unfunny joker.

If you think I’ll stop making posts asking men not to slutshame random women, you are a fool with a capital F.

You should know by now that I do not care about being liked. I said it here last year and last two years ago that I’d rather be feared/respected than liked. I don’t play likability politics.

So this is to say that my feminism is still very much intact, thank you for asking. If you call me ashawo, I will call you ashawo right back be you man or woman and continue preaching gender equality at the spot. And if I have evidence to show you’re truly an ashawo, I’d bring it forth like I did.

The least people can do is cry and wail. It will not stop me from making my posts.

If you think me finally replying a woman who has consistently trolled me for a year is what will make feminism fail, you have your head up your ass.

Now that we’ve cleared this up, we can resume our regular feminist posts.

Good morning everyone. To the feminist police, chop shit.

Post 3:

Reading Omotoyosi’s post, I was really impressed with myself. It was evident that she has nothing to drag me with so she just kept saying I’m a liar in a bid to discredit me and added that I’m only a wig maker while she’s a blablabla.

Maybe because I don’t pad my achievements and post them here for online accolades, this pygmy hippo thinks I’m as miserable as she is.

I am a scientist. An Environmental Microbiologist with a 4.0 CGPA in my masters.
My research has been published in 2 different international journals in less than 3 months.
Meaning that when you Google that topic, you’d likely be reading excerpts of my research as a FACT.
Meaning that people go to Research Gate and pay in dollars to have access to my research.
Meaning that my research was so brilliant that The International Journal of Pharmaceutical Science Invention and The International Journal of Environmental Microbiology scooped it up in less than three months of publication.
Meaning that future scientists would read my work and thereafter, cite and reference me in their publications. (Ijeoma et al).

Apart from being a self-trained master’s scientist with a 4.0 CGPA, I am also a copywriter. I have written copy for Salesforce, Microsoft, Overstock, and some of the biggest brands you can ever think of.

Not bad for a “wig maker”, huh?

But enough about me. Let’s talk about you, Omotoyosi.

Where do I start? Is it your self-loathing? You hate yourself so much that the sight of your body disgusts you. At “26” you had to get work done because you can’t stand the sight of the grotesque, misshapen monster you see in the mirror. This is what happens when you become a physical representation of the vile being you are inside.

All that back alley plastic surgery won’t fix shit. Your botched liposuction is an evidence that even doctors can’t fix ugly.

Then let’s talk about your female relationships. How each time you fall out with a friend, you come here to drag them, lie about them and expose their secrets. Happened with Isong, Kedei, Marian. You go all out to destroy the reputation of a former friend.

I can beat my chest and say I have never come on Facebook to drag or insult anyone I was once friends with or share their secrets, no matter the grievance. But not you. Your self-loathing seeps into your core and everything you touch. You’re always eager to sub them and list the men who entered their vagina.

Slutshamer extraordinaire. In your post about Joy you said she was “sucking prick for garri”. In your post about Kedei, what did you not call her? This is the woman I’m supposed to respect?

Who can forget how you made appreciation posts for Nafike Bala, a married man shagging your sister whom you eventually started shagging too.
You claim to be smart yet Nafike Bala played you and your sister like a flute and discarded you two like used sanitary pads. This same idiot that trended for having threesomes with her sister and Nafike Bala is whom I’m supposed to take seriously. (Yes, more slutshaming).

Upon all your smartness, you couldn’t decode the fact that he was playing you two. You went about making posts telling people to leave Nafike alone. A married man who was shagging you and your sister. Oh, you didn’t know Nafike told people how he shagged you two at once for chikini money? I’m supposed to keep quiet when such an idiot comes at me for over a year.

Do I talk about how you begged for a plane ticket on this same Facebook. Crying and snorting. Upon all my “classlessness”, I’ve never and will NEVER come here to beg for money.

This same lady that at the drop of a hat tells everyone she can feed them came to her Facebook wall to beg for flight money. No be here them contribute money give you for flight? Beggar oshi.

Same lady begged for accommodation in Abuja and threw tantrums when no one offered to help cos they know how vile she is. You can’t afford even 5k for a hotel room and you’re looking for whom to feed.

Obviously you’d lie and say the man I talked about is single and blablabla. I never expected you to come on Facebook and say “yes, he is married and is my sugar daddy”. Is it not you again?

I told a friend that no one needs to dig for dirt on omotoyosi. You just need to remember.

It’s of course expected that people would make it about how she’s abroad and I’m in Nigeria. Granted she’s abroad, does it make her less vile?

Omotoyosi, you are still that vile human being who slutshames and bodyshames at the drop of a hat. The only difference is you now have to tamp down the vileness because you need to seem employable. All the animal-loving and earth-loving posts is for validation and CV boost. Beneath that facade, you are still the soulless, unlovable ghoul that lacks joy.

I mean, you hate yourself so how can people love you?
You lied that you only insulted me on two occasions. Lying dweeb. I can count at least 8 times you dragged me on people’s walls for no cause. One would think we were friends who fell out without knowing I’ve never ever met you or interacted with you. All I did was unfriend and block you. Why are you so hurt?

This callout will achieve one thing. It will make you take my name out of your mouth.

It will teach you to face your ugly self and try to fix that hole inside you and your daddy issues and leave who no call you.

Remember when I said if you continued poking me, you’d run away from Facebook? No be run you don run? Silly inbred fool.
If you like, when you come back from your exile, continue from where you stopped. We will start again. We both know I barely scratched the surface. Disgusting simpleton.

Toyosi Ogunbanwo’s post are either hidden or deleted but there are screen shots of her posts at this time.

Toyosi Ogunbanwo post
Toyosi Ogunbanwo post
Toyosi post




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