
10 rules successful women live by

Woman, surround yourself with dreamers and doers. Enough of all the gossips, idle talks and meaningless conversations.

Stop making other people’s businesses your headache while your life is at a stand still.

Do away with friends who bring you latest news and gists about other people without adding value to your life in any way. Are you not tired?

If you want to succeed and stand out in life, surround yourself with thinkers, achievers and women who are concerned about improving their lives.

Surround yourself with people who see the greatness within you even when you doubt yourself. These people are the real deal.

Be busy growing. Keep evolving. Continue chasing your dreams so much that you don’t have time for drama and negative energy.

Be bold enough to live life on your own terms and never, ever apologize for who you are and what you are doing to be successful as a woman.

On your rise to the top, go against the normal. Don’t be average. Refuse to conform. Surround yourself with non conformers.


Be different. Take the road less travelled instead of going in the same direction as others. Laugh in the face of adversity.

Tighten your belt for the journey ahead. Leap even when you are not ready. Trust your gut instincts and never let go of your dreams no matter how hard things get.

Surround yourself with positive people

Dance to the beat of your own heart. Dance as if everybody is watching. Own your own mistakes, shame and failures.

Don’t allow others shame you with your mistakes. Life is full of mistakes and failures, rise above them all.

Stubbornly refuse to fit in woman, you were born to stand out. You are a goddess. Goddesses are not people pleasers. They don’t become boot lickers just to make it. They stand and deal.

They go after what they want, facing their challenges head on. They fall, rise, fall again and keep rising until they make it. that is who you are woman. You are a goddess.

And whether people stay in your life or walk away as you journey into your realm of greatness, you are making progress regardless of their contributions or lack of it.

All you need is your fiery passion to succeed. You just need to surround yourself with the right people, the fake ones need to stay out and watch you from afar.

You just need to know that a woman who uses her mind will outlast a woman who uses her body to get whatever she wants.

Beauty will fade but a woman with a smart and enlightened mind remains an asset for life. She will go places, make her own money and even help raise other young women. She’s the Queen of her life. She reigns and rules.

Dear woman, don’t turn yourself into a victim. You are not a victim. You are a powerful being. Live like it. Greatness is upon you, act like it. No matter the obstacles on your way, go forward. Surround yourself with positivity.

Whether you fall, or make slow progress, you are better off than someone not even trying. You are better than the woman waiting for things to be handed to her. You are better than those not making efforts to build the life of their dreams.

Woman, surround yourself with knowledgeable people. These people will guide you through the career or business path you have chosen.

In your journey to the top, surround yourself with good people. Stay away from toxic people. They will bring nothing but drama and distraction into your life.

Woman, hold your head high. Adjust yourself. Encourage yourself and keep moving forward. You are a Queen. Reign woman, reign!

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  • Ebube

    Great work

    But in the second to the last paragraph, there is an error. It’s ‘surround yourself with* good people’