
Life is not for the fainthearted

Life is not for the fainthearted.

You must have heard this phrase many times but do you really know what it means?

Have you been in a situation that you don’t understand, that causes you pain and confusion and you don’t know how to get out of it?

Have you suffered untold hardships no matter how hard you work and how hard you try to stay afloat?

Have you been hurt several times by family and friends alike, people who keep hurting you even though they are meant to love and care for you?

Have you been accused of things you didn’t do, called names and even ostracized by those you love because you are too straight for them?

Have you been stabbed in the back many times by those you go out of your way to help, protect and even provide for?


Have you been broke, very broke even though you work and then no one wants to help you?

Have you been tempted to wave aside your moral standards because you desperately need to get something done?

Have you been lied to, lied on even among your so called friends and family?

If you can relate with these situations above, you will understand that life is hard.

Life is very hard.

Sometimes, you just want to go back to being a child so that things will be handed over to you whenever you ask for them.

No one told us that life would be this hard.

They just said, “you will understand when you get older.”

But do you truly understand what life is about?

Is there a reason or reasons we go through the pains and hardships we go through?

What if one doesn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel?

What happens then?

What is the meaning of life?

Why are we here?

What do we do with all the feelings of fear and failure we experience?

How do we deal with the feeling of nothingness that creeps upon us once in a while?

How do we handle the disappointments that we encounter daily?

How do we deal with the indifference of our loved ones when they should be a shoulder for us to lean on?

How do we deal with the feeling of not being enough when we see our mates doing better than us?

How do we handle those feelings of emptiness?

What should we do when life has lost it’s meaning?

Where do we turn to?

What should we do?

How do we turn the situation around?

How do we get out of the rut?

Which way do we turn?

Life is full of questions.

Life is full of so many questions.

There are so many questions begging for answers.

I hope we get the answers we desperately need when it matters most.

I hope we don;t give up when our redemption is near.

I hope we keep fighting to make each day count.

Truly, life is hard.

And it is not for the fainthearted.

But we must show up for the fight daily.

We must never give up.


We must overcome.

Because life is hard.

Life is tough.

But we are tougher.


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  • queen

    Hmmmm. Life is hard.