Woman, this is why you should make your own money
Dear women resist the urge to stay idle without any source of income. You should be making your own money.
It doesn’t matter if your husband is the most caring man in the whole world or your husband is the Pope himself please dont fall for it, look for your own income.
Nobody is immune to troubles, problem could come knocking anytime without prior notice and the only security you have is your own money.

Let me tell you one little secret, if you are suffering from abuse most times your loved ones completely understand what you are going through but they end up advising you to stay back because they know you will end up being a liability to them because of your complete lack of money. Yes you heard that right.
It is easier to make a decision and stand by it with confidence when you are not begging from anyone.
You are the boss of your life and you call the shots, every one would have no choice than to accept your decision.
You won’t get to listen to all those pray for him advice and submission bull shit because you are not begging anyone for money to feed and take care of yourself and your children.
Please take charge of your life today and tell that saintly and angelic husband of yours that you need to start making your own money simply because you are an adult with functional brain and every responsible adult should have an income no matter how little.
Learn from the mistakes of others, don’t wait to be a victim first before you can start earning your own income. You deserve to be financially independent.
A woman who earns her own income will not be disrespected or tossed from one place to another. She’s her own boss. She takes decisions pertaining to her life with confidence.
A woman who earns her own income will not become any insecure man’s victim of abuse.
Dear woman, your income is your protection from maltreatment and abuse. Earn your own income today and be consistent.
Yes, make moneyy