10 signs your current boyfriend is wasting your time
Do you feel like your current boyfriend is wasting your time? If you are observant as a woman, you will see some signs that you are wasting your time in a relationship.
Even though the dating scene is complicated, some women ignore clear red flags about their current boyfriends for a long time.
Blinded by love or lust and their hopes for the future, these women continue staying with men who have showed them signs he is a waste of time.
They ignore the signs right in front them and spend years in dead-end relationships, even while asking themselves, ‘Am I wasting my time in this relationship?’
Ladies should not be carried away by love, outings and sweet nothings in relationships. They should look out for glaring signs and behaviors that a man is wasting their time so that they can get out of such relationships heading nowhere sooner than later.
Ladies, here are 10 signs a guy is just wasting your time:
You can’t be your true self with him
If you ever feel like you can’t be yourself around your man or you are constantly pretending to be something you are not, this is not a good sign. Your relationship is supposed to be a safe space for you to relax. It should be free of judgment too. If your current boyfriend doesn’t bring you contentment in your relationship, he is not the one for you.
You don’t trust him
If you don’t have trust in your relationship, you don’t have anything. If you have constant doubts about the whereabouts of your man and find yourself sneaking through his phone and social media accounts to confirm your suspicions, you are not in a healthy relationship.

You are not his priority
A man who makes you his priority and displays you proudly for everyone to see is one who knows what he wants and isn’t interested in playing games with you. A man who respects you for being his woman will not only give you a title but he will also make it clear to others that you are his woman is a keeper.
Your relationship isn’t progressing
Relationships are all about growth. Your relationship should be progressing and you and your partner should be growing too. If you aren’t witnessing your relationship reach new levels in every facet then why are you in it? This is one of the signs he is going to waste your time.
You gut tells you something is wrong
If your instincts keep telling that something is not right with your relationship, don’t ignore it. You must be truthful to yourself and find out what is wrong. You don’t have to stick around a time waster because you want to be in a relationship. Respect yourself enough to wait for the man who truly loves and deserves you.
You don’t actually know much about him
This is one of the signs you are wasting your time. You realize that your relationship is a superficial one when you realize that you actually know very little about your current boyfriend. It could be that you are enamored with him that you haven’t even bothered to ask important questions, or that he is hiding things from you. If you have been with a guy for a while, you should know something about his past, his likes and his dislikes, where he hangs out when he’s not with you and who he hangs out with.
He lacks goals and ambition
A man that lacks goals and ambition can not want much for any relationship if he doesn’t want much for his own life. Your relationship should be about growth, both individually and as a unit, and if your partner has no desire to be a forward-thinking person, your relationship will remain stagnant.
He doesn’t listen to you
If you are constantly explaining yourself and your feelings to a man who couldn’t care less, he is not the one for you. You deserve a man who will listen to your wants, desires, needs, opinions and feelings without judgment, and you should do the same for him too.
You both have incompatible relationship goals
Compatibility is important in any relationship. You should make sure your goals align with that of your current boyfriend. If you understand early that the two of you are not compatible, it will save you both time and unnecessary heartache. You should not be slow to state what you want from your partner and if he can’t give you those things, don’t stick around.
He brings out the worst in you
Any man that brings out the crazy, jealous, or insecure traits in you is not good for you. He should bring out positive things in you, and push you towards being the best version of yourself. Bringing out the negative in you is counterproductive to your personal growth as well as to your relationship.