You are not your story, your story is just your teacher
Dear beautiful woman, you are not your story. Your story is just your teacher.
You may be struggling right now. You may be confused. You may be sad and tired too.
But there are some people in your life that believe you, support you and love you for who you are.
Don’t be ashamed to ask for help when you need it. Don’t say no one cares about you.
You don’t know how many people are courageously facing their life battles because of you.
You don’t know how many lives you have touched.
You don’t know how many people you have helped through your actions.
And they are waiting eagerly to return the favour.
They are waiting to lift you when you fall. They are willing to help you.

May you find comfort and strength from the people who truly love and care about you.
You will make it through whatever is troubling your soul.
You will be happy again. You will laugh again. You will sparkle again.
Don’t give up. Don’t lose hope. Don’t suffer in silence.
Speak up when you need to. You will get all the help you need.
You are not what happened to you. Don’t label yourself that way. You just had to go through that experience to be wiser.
Remember that you are not your story, your story is just your teacher. If you don’t go through tough times, how will you be strong?
I know sometimes it’s not easy to go through difficult times and douse pressure but you have to do it for you.
No woman came into this world with a manual on how to be rich and successful but we all learn from our teacher- tough times.
You have to know that whatever you are going through is present to teach you how to be strong, resilient and successful.
Don’t give up on yourself, your teacher will only be with you for a while. Keep your head up woman.