Why are Nigerian women afraid of being sent packing by their husbands?
Why are many Nigerian women afraid of being sent packing by their husbands?
If they have infertility issues, they are afraid of being sent packing.
If they have all girls, they are afraid of being sent packing.
If they have one child, they are afraid of being sent packing.
If they talk about at their abusive mothers in law, they are afraid of being thrown out.
If they stand up to their oppressive in laws, they fear being sent away.
If they are sick, they are afraid of being replaced.
If they have terminal illness, the only thing they fear is being sent packing.
If the man is misbehaving, they are still afraid of being replaced.

One woman sent a message to a facebook group asking for help. She has Tuberculosis and she’s afraid of telling her husband because she doesn’t want to be sent packing.
Where do these women meet these kinds of men and how do they live their lives in fear all the time?
What kind of lives do these women live that is driven with fear, anxiety and nervousness?
If you cannot talk to your husband about something that is affecting your health because you are afraid of being sent packing from your home, who would you talk to?
If you continue tolerating abuse from your husband and his family members because you don’t want to be replaced, what kind of lessons are you teaching your children?
If you don’t want to stand up for yourself because you don’t want your abusive husband to get married to another woman, what kind of life would you have by his side?
What is wrong with Nigerian women? Why is marriage more important than their peace of mind and sanity?
Why do women allow this fear of being sent packing from their matrimonial homes control them all their lives?
Were you women not living before you met these husbands who have suddenly become gods to you? If he sends you packing, is that the end of your life?
What is the worst that can happen? I don’t understand you people sha. Maybe I need some explanations because I don’t know how you people enjoy your lives with all the fear you have.