
I lost 18kg and here’s how I did it -Pakis D. Briggs

Losing weight has always been on my list for decades. I wanted to feel light. I was tired of carrying the weight around. I wanted to find fitting clothes easily and be comfortable in them.

I was almost giving up on myself because nothing else was working. I’ve bought slimming teas, paid for Gym, even wished myself sickness.

I did workouts, dieting, watching carbs, watching calories, even keto. All these things worked only as long as I was doing them. But who get that kain time abeg?

Every time I climbed that digital scale, a part of my confidence died. World people who had no idea about my suffering were taunting me.

There was a time I developed breathing problems. My snoring literally caved in the ceiling in my house. The sole of my feet hurt like crazy when a stand for 20mins.

My wardrobe was so uninspiring because I was just fed up. I was fed up with trying unsuccessfully to lose the weight.

How I lost weight

Ladies and gentlemen, I didn’t set out to even lose this weight. I sold my car at the end of October 2018 and that was how it began.

No car meant I use public transport (not a cab) everyday to go to work. It’s a 15mins walk to the main junction from my house. I legged it. Then a 10mins walk from the last bus stop to my office. I legged it.


I did this everyday to and fro. It was difficult the first 2 weeks. But I had no choice. I had no money to dash cab guys as it were.

I could afford to, but chose not to. My money lessons had just begun. This method worked because of the phase of life I found myself.

After perhaps 1 month, I had lost only 3kg.  I noticed it in passing. As a single lady I dash out every morning with water as breakfast.

Losing weight has been my dream

Most of the time my mind was far from food cos of life issues. And when I ate, I ate just enough to fill my stomach. Not planned.

To save money I trekked at every opportunity. It helped my breathing. And I noticed I rarely ate late at night. I did o’ but on rare occasions. It was after a month I noticed I had lost another 4kg or thereabout.

Losing weight is better when it’s a lifestyle, not a get-slim-quick plan. My dear readers, that’s how I took my routine more seriously o. I started trekking with a new zeal. I trekked with purpose and joy.

I drank water like every time I remembered especially at the office. I ate every kind of food. It was about the quantity and frequency not type. Then it’s like my routine unconsciously became an intermittent fasting. All I know is that each time I climbed the scale I smiled.

Within the next 4 months that followed 10kg had disappeared. Today even the clothes that didn’t fit before are now oversized.

Now when I stand naked in front of the mirror, I feel so good! All the curves and contours are visibly in their right places.

Suddenly, I feel more attractive and oh yes, I get the attention. No pain at the sole of my feet. Someone has to confirm the snoring.

I’m so in love with my new energy and radiant appearance. It’s not like I’m done. I’m still on the journey to becoming. But one thing is certain, the weight I lost isn’t coming back.

Weight you lose quickly returns just as quickly. Be patient.

(6 months. 18kg. No special revelation or formula. My own reality.)

P.S. – I know I don’t look 104kg but that’s what the scales are saying

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  • Mary

    This is impressive, I can imagine the joy of having to achieve this most pressing heart wish.
    Congratulations !!!
    Unto a better, healthier and happy lifestyle