Some men don’t know the importance of having a good woman
It is sad that some men don’t know the importance of having good women in their lives.
These men don’t understand what it means to be in a relationship with good women who genuinely have their interests at heart.
I laugh whenever I hear some men say that there are no more good women to marry in this country.
I always ask these men if they can identify good when they see it or they want good, bad, quirky, whore and kinky all at the same time.
If you are not a good man yourself, why do you feel entitled to have a good woman in your life?
Don’t you know you will mess up her heart and destroy her if you don’t know the value of dating or marrying a good woman?

Who is a good woman to begin with? Why do men dump the so called good woman for the ones they call bitches? What determines the goodness of a woman?
A good woman genuinely cares for her man. She loves him and doesn’t hide the fact that she’s interested in his overall welfare. Her love is not linked to sex, money or material things but she truly cares for the man in her life.
A good woman accepts a man, his flaws, his weaknesses, his imperfections and helps him become a better man. This doesn’t include tolerating abuse and cheating under the guise of weaknesses. Those are not weaknesses, they are deliberate acts of disrespect and wickedness.
A good woman supports and stands by her man not because she wants something from him in return but because she genuinely cares for him. This doesn’t mean she will put her life on hold for a man. No. They move up together in their chosen fields.
A good woman doesn’t tolerate disrespect and abuse. She won’t be taken for granted because she knows her worth. She won’t be afraid to walk away when a man doesn’t reciprocate her love or match her efforts. She has a healthy dose of self esteem.
Dear Nigerian men, if you have a good woman in your life, don’t mess her up. Don’t take her for granted. Don’t break her heart. You will miss out on good things. Good women are hard to find, don’t ever forget that.
Treat your woman the way you want to be treated. If you are with a good woman, love and treasure her.