
Woman, love yourself so much that when someone treats you badly, you won’t make excuses for them

Dear woman, love yourself so much that when someone treats you badly, you won’t start making excuses for them.

Love yourself so much that when a man misses his way into your life and tries to turn you into who you are not, you won’t call it love.

Love yourself so much that when a man insists on alienating you from family and friends who have been your source of support, you won’t claim it’s because he wants you all to himself.

Love yourself so much that you take care of your body, health, mind and mental health and devote your time to doing things that bring you joy.

Love yourself so much that you don’t tolerate disrespect from family members who claim to know everything about you but don’t respect your personal boundaries.

Love yourself so much that you don’t go out of your way to please other people even when they won’t do the same thing for you if the shoe is on the other foot.

Love yourself so much that you don’t forget your worth, trade your dignity, forget your plans, abandon your dreams and goals and short change your tomorrow for someone else.


Love yourself enough that when someone treats you like one of their many options, you intentionally take yourself out of their lives without feeling bad.

Love yourself so much that you don’t care about what other people think about you even though you haven’t hurt them, disrespected them or treated them badly.

Love yourself so much that you focus on becoming a better version of yourself instead of envying other people or competing with them unnecessarily.

Love yourself so much that you don’t stop living your life because this society expects you to live small, be small, act small and talk small so that you won’t scare off men who want to date or marry you.

As you go through life, don’t give part time people a full time position in your life. Don’t allow other people dump their fears and insecurities on you.

Know your value. Know your worth. Know who you are and what you have to offer. Don’t settle for anything else. You deserve all the best in life. You were created to be great.

Don’t be reduced to who you are not because you want to be accepted by this hypocritical society. You won’t succeed. This society doesn’t care about you.

Dear Nigerian woman, you owe yourself self love. Love yourself. Love yourself wholeheartedly. You deserve all the love you give to undeserving people.

Stop making excuses for people who treat you poorly.

ExcusesSelf LoveSelf Worthwoman
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  • Blessing

    thank you