
“I give my man strict marriage rules, such as no female friends or texting women”

“I give my man strict marriage rules, such as no female friends or texting women”

A WIFE has revealed how she gives her husband very strict marriage rules, including not texting female friends.

TikTok user Bailey, who posts under @bmcpher, uploaded a video on the boundaries she has with her partner in their Christian marriage.

She wrote: “Rules my husband and I have for our marriage that make people ANGRY.”

First up Bailey revealed that the couple have “no friends of the opposite sex.”

Secondly, she wrote that this extends to their work places, and they don’t let each other be around the opposite sex alone.

Finally, she said that they ban “texting the opposite sex without the other knowing.”

In a follow-up video, she added that they also ban porn and lusting after the opposite s€x.

And a big rule is that they always put each other first, even above parents.


Her video has racked up over 600,000 views, and caused a big debate in the comments.

Many people thought her rules were a bit extreme, with one person saying: “Tell me you don’t trust your partner without telling me you don’t trust your partner.”

Another added: “This just sounds like insecurities tbh”, and a third commented: “Sorry this is absolutely insane.”

However, one said: “I agree with all of these.”

A second wrote: “And that ladies and gentlemen is respecting your partner.”

Comments have been turned off from both videos after they collectively gained over three million views.

Apparently, people were too “angry” about these rules for Bailey to handle, regardless of the tough guy song or her many shrugging gestures in an attempt to indicate that she doesn’t care what people think.


Unfortunately for her, the videos reached Twitter, where people were free to comment all they wanted. Things went about the same as every other time Christian couples try to brag about having extremely restrictive marriage rules that just sound like creepy and controlling.

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