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Daughter Grew Up Wanting to Be a Pilot, Like Her Dad. Now They’re Celebrating Their First Flight Together

A father and daughter from Arizona recently fulfilled a lifelong dream when they piloted their first Southwest Airlines flight together!




MacKenzie Rennhack recently became a part of the Southwest Airlines family and celebrated by flying with her dad — as well as her mom, brother, and fiancé, according to a Facebook post from the airline.

The airline explained that Mackenzie, a First Officer, “always knew she wanted to be a pilot” — and even dressed up as her dad for elementary school.

“Once gifted a ‘discovery flight’ (a short introductory flight for those interested in taking the first step toward earning their pilot’s license), Mackenzie knew she was meant to fly,” the airline wrote.

For college, MacKenzie headed to Arizona State University and promptly enrolled in the Southwest Airlines Destination 225° Pilot Pathways Program – which helps those enrolled achieve their pilot dreams “no matter your flight experience, current career, or education,” according to the Southwest website.

Father and daughter pilot


Speaking with local ABC affiliate KNXV-TV, Michael said his daughter has “always been the overachiever.”

“A 110% isn’t good enough, she’ll get a little bit better, she’ll push a little bit harder,” he added.

Although their first flight went smoothly, there was one thing the father-daughter duo had to get used to.

“The weirdest thing was figuring out what to call you,” she told KNXV-TV with a laugh, explaining that she had a few options to cycle through: “It’s like, captain, Mike, dad.”

Ending their post on a celebratory note, Southwest Airlines sweetly wrote, “Welcome aboard, First Officer Mackenzie; we’re so glad you’re here!”


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