Don’t let yourself be carried away by fake words from fake people
Fake friends are real. They are around you pretending to have your back.
These fake people are good at pretending that they love you. They tell you that they love you but their actions say otherwise.
They are the ones who will tell you that they care about you but when it comes the time for them to show it, they draw back.
For over a year now, I have watched the people around me and how they respond to my dream.
I have had to cut off many friends who were making noise about believing in me and my dreams and pretending to be supportive but they act otherwise.

These days, I don’t believe words from these people anymore. When they come with their ‘I love you’ anthem, I just shake my head.
I know one who pretends to be my friend but anytime she notices that I am good friends with someone else, she inserts herself in the middle.
She goes behind my back to become best friends with the person I introduced her to and before you know it, she turns the person against me.
I have lost three good friends and confidants because of this viper and she still has the nerve to call herself my sister.
One thing I know is that these untrustworthy people will get the end they deserve. But I won’t allow myself to be hurt by their actions anymore.
I won’t allow myself to be fooled anymore by their words and sweet talks. I won’t allow myself to be fooled by the right things they say.
I know another person who keeps telling me she loves me and I am the best thing that has happened to her life but anytime I need her help for something, she disappoints me.
Note that I have always been by her side encouraging, helping and lifting her up but she won’t do the same for me.
I will no longer be fooled by people’s words. I look out for matching actions to their words instead.
Ah that person should better stop that rubbish