Why you should leave your relationship and focus on your career
Should you leave your relationship and focus on your career or should you put your career on hold and focus your relationship?
Many women have gotten to this point in their lives where they have to choose between flying high in their careers or settling with their relationships.
While it can be confusing to have to choose between what brings you money and fulfilment as a woman and what a man has to offer you, you have to be honest with yourself while choosing one over the other so that you don’t live to regret your actions later in life.
Even though it is said that you make time for what you care about, what happens when your attention is split two ways? What happens when you can’t keep both your relationship and your career and you have to choose one over the other?
Navigating both a career and a relationship is not easy but many women have made both work successfully with time, determination, persistence, patience and unwavering focus. This is an ideal situation by the way.

But there are some instances where a woman may choose to prioritize her career over romance and love. And we can’t blame her for choosing her career over a man.
CNBC outlined some reasons it’s okay to forgo a relationship to reach your professional goals:
You are just starting out
Launching your professional life is not an easy feat. It requires a lot of time and attention that you can’t afford to waste.
This is not saying relationships are a waste but relationships require care and nurturing too and it’s too hard to put so much pressure on yourself just to be a good partner and to begin a professional career as well.
Your career is in a bad place
This one is difficult because every woman would want a loving partner in their corner while their career is on the rocks.
But if you are in bad place in your professional life that you feel you won’t be able to feed or provide for yourself, you should probably put your career hustle into overdrive.
Basic needs come before romantic love–it’s a matter of survival. While being partnered is enjoyable, if you can’t make ends meet, you probably won’t be a good partner to begin with.
Your partner doesn’t understand your focus
You can let go of your relationship if your man doesn’t understand your focus and tries to make you choose between him and what you love most.
If you know you want a partner who is okay with you putting your job first at all time, that’s awesome! But don’t try to pressure a man who prioritizes relationship to be supportive of your profession because that’s not what he wants.
You need to be with someone who is on the same page with you not someone who tries to brings you down.