10 ways to keep your relationship strong and healthy
If you must have a healthy relationship, you must do best to keep your relationship healthy and strong. I hope you know that doing your best doesn’t include tolerating abuse and allowing a man treat you like a second class citizen.
It doesn’t take too much to keep your relationship going, you have to embrace strong relationship tips and apply them to your relationship for maximum results.
Bear it at the back of your mind that it takes two to make a relationship strong and healthy. It is not only your duty as a woman to make your relationship work. Don’t kill yourself over a relationship not even for a marriage.
Here are 10 ways to keep your relationship happy and healthy:
*Be honest about your feelings with your partner. If something is bothering you, trash it out with your partner. Don’t hold things in and allow bitterness fester.

*Communicate with your partner. Talk about things –the good, the bad and the ugly. If you don’t communicate with the person you are in a relationship with, who will you do that with?
*Be faithful to your partner. I can’t stress this enough. Cheating and lies destroy relationships. This is how to keep a relationship happy forever.
*Create time for your partner. Be there for each other and support each other’s dreams. This is how to keep a relationship strong and healthy.
*Leave the past in the past. Stop bringing up the past whenever you are having fights. Deal with issues as they come up and let them go.
*Know that having arguments are normal. The fact that you and your partner have disagreements doesn’t mean you no longer love each other.
*Know that you won’t always be happy. Happiness comes from within.You have to do things that make you happy as an individual.
*Don’t expect your partner to change overnight. Marriage won’t change that man whose behaviour is giving you headaches while you are still dating if he doesn’t do anything to change.
*Appreciate each other. Treat your partner with respect. Become best friends and love each other unconditionally. This is how to keep your relationship alive.
*Don’t forget to do on dates. The fact that you have been with your partner for years doesn’t mean that you should stop going on dates and spending quality time with each other. This is how to keep a relationship interesting for a lifetime.