I hope parents would stop teaching their sons how to bottle things up because boys don’t cry
I hope parents would stop teaching their sons how to bottle things up because boys don’t cry. These boys now grow up thinking crying is a sign of weakness.
I wish society would stop telling little boys that showing emotion is the same thing as being a girl and being a girl is the same as being weak.
I hope today’s parents won’t make the same mistake of teaching boys to bottle things up. It’s sad seeing men carrying so much pain about because they can’t let it out.
How are these men supposed to know how to respect women as they respect men if from a young age they are taught that women cry because they are weak?
It’s time to raise expressive boys in tune with their emotions. Let boys cry. If they feel hurt, allow them express the pain. Don’t shut them up!
I was having a conversation with a young man recently and he said only weak men cry. I told him he was wrong and proceeded to lecture him on the dangers of his belief.

He looked at me the whole time as if I was speaking Latin. He kept interrupting me by saying that it doesn’t make sense for a man to shed tears.
When I asked him why, he said because men are not emotional like women and were not created to show emotions.
He even said women don’t respect men who are in tune with their emotions because they see these men as wimps.
I shook my head in disbelief. This society has damaged men. When I reminded him that even Jesus wept at one point in his life, he said that wasn’t true.
Dear Nigerian parents, stop raising boys with this mindset, you are teaching them to become robots.
Every human being is an emotional being and there’s nothing wrong with boys feeling pain, showing emotions and crying.
It doesn’t make them weaklings, it makes them human. Should men cry? Yes. Crying doesn’t make humans weak.
When they feel overwhelmed, lose someone, fail at something, and get hurt, let them cry. They will feel better afterwards.
I hope a lot of people see the truth in this soon