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Man Divorces Wife for Mistress, His Parents Remove Him from Their Will And Give Everything to His Ex-Wife


For one mother, the ideas she had about her son’s morality were shattered. She found out he had been unfaithful to his young wife who had only just given birth to their baby boy –her grandson. Not only that, but he is leaving his wife and newborn child to be with his mistress.

Where most mothers and fathers would hide their shame in the loyalty and love they feel for their child, our story today is of parents who chose to take the side of their daughter-in-law over their own son.

They made a post in the hopes it would serve as a lesson for some. Of course, it went viral on Reddit. Here is what this unfaithful man’s mother had to say about her son.

In the Mother’s Own Words

“My son (24) mistreated and eventually cheated on his now ex-wife while she was 3 months post-partum. He is leaving town to go be with the other woman and seemingly has no regrets. Both me and his dad are ashamed seeing how our daughter-in-law is struggling to cope. With everything happening in her life while trying to care for a new baby.”


“We decided to cut him off of the will and put everything we planned to give him towards our daughter-in-law and our grandbaby. My son heard about this arrangement from his sister and is going on a campaign to guilt and shame me and my husband for the decision we’ve made. Sadly, many family members are taking his side. Calling my daughter-in-law now ‘an outsider’ or ‘not family’. Saying we’re making a mistake that will cost us our son. She is aware of the negativity around her, but she has nowhere else to go.”

“My husband and I took her and the baby in for now. We are getting heat and criticism and it’s bothersome and exhausting, but we’re standing our ground because we feel like it’s only fair to make sure our grandbaby and his mother get a stable life after what my son did to them.”

This post received a lot of positive feedback from those who read it. It is assumed that the “heat and criticism” the woman mentioned is coming from their son. This is because it was probably the last thing he expected his own parents to do.


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