This is not the time for Nigerian women to be weaklings
Dear Nigerian women, this is not the time to be a weakling. This is not the time to be kept in the background because that is the way it has always been.
This is not the time to be pretending to be who you are not because you don’t want to be judged by the society.
This is not the time to dumb yourself down for a man because you want to be married, called Mrs and be respected in the society.
This is not a time to raise entitled sons who think it’s right to go about groping girls and sexually assaulting them.
This is not the time to raise weak daughters whose only aim in life is to be married to men who see them as acquisitions, boobs, vaginas and baby making machines.
This is not the time to blame rape victims while allowing perpetrators go scot free to continue their animalistic acts.

This is not the time to preach forgive and forget to victims of domestic violence, rape and sexual molestation. Criminals need to be punished for their crimes.
This is not the time to listen to any pastor telling you to keep praying for an abusive man because it’s your life that’s at stake.
This is not the time to continue blaming your house girls of seducing your husband or using charm on him. He’s the irresponsible one who disrespected your marriage vows.
This is not the time to start fighting side chicks to leave your community husband alone. They didn’t force him to have affairs with him. Face your husband.
This is not the time to stay quiet in the face of evil or play virtuous so that you can be hailed by people who don’t care about you.
This is not the time to waste away while waiting for marriage. Live your life to the full. Pursue your dreams. Go on vacation.
Buy your car, rent or build your own house. Forget that trash about scaring suitors away if you are rich and successful.
Woman, live for yourself. You are the real deal. Stop living for society. Stop living for others.
Stop depriving yourself of the good things of life because of people will say. Stop living your life to please other people.
Time waits for no one. Live it up! This is the time to unleash your awesomeness and shine brightly in your truth. So live, baby, live!
Thank you