Educated women don’t make good wives and mothers says radio host
Christian radio host Jesse Lee Peterson claims that educated women make bad wives and mothers.
Speaking on his radio show earlier this week, Peterson attacked Rep. Sean Duffy after the congressman announced he would resign his position to spend more time taking care of his family.
According to reports, Duffy’s wife, Fox News commentator Rachel Campos-Duffy, is pregnant with the couple’s ninth child – a child that will probably require open-heart surgery after being born.

On his radio show Peterson asked:
“Why does she have to work? Why doesn’t she stay home, be a wife, a mother, and help raise the children?
And now this guy has to step down because this baby apparently has some issues … He shouldn’t quit his job for that. I guarantee you she is making him do it.
Peterson continued:
“This woman is a selfish, egotistical woman and this man is too beta male to make her do the right thing. This woman is a selfish woman. She has nine kids and she’s trying to be like a man, ‘I want to be seen by the world as such a working woman.’
Women, God has given you the gift of being the assistant of the man, to watch over his children, to make sure things are well at home, to be there when the kids come home, to cook, clean, provide in that way.
There is no greater job for a woman than that. And I don’t know why these men would marry these women if they don’t have that mindset. It’s like being married to another man. It’s selfishness, it’s not love.”
Eww, see the Jesse guy’s face sef
He should change his fractured mindset and be human….