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10 health benefits of onion peels Nigerian women should be enjoying


Onions are one of the most widely used vegetables in cuisines all over the world but most people throw away their outer skins and peels.

That papery covering may seem like just throw-away packaging, but you will be surprised to learn they are actually nutrient dense and have some household uses as well.

The outer skins of onion provide an excellent source of vitamins A, C, E, and numerous antioxidants. The skins of onions are also a rich source of flavonoids, particularly quercetin, a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.

Here are 10 good reasons why you should use onion peels:

1. Induce Sleep

As a natural sleep aid, brew up a cup of onion skin tea. Simply pour boiling water over several onion skins, cover and let soak for fifteen minutes. Strain the tea (or use a tea ball) and enjoy.

2. Alleviate Itchy Skin


Onion skins have anti-fungal properties that make them effective at relieving itchy skin problems, including athlete’s foot. Apply onion-infused water to your skin for relief.

3. Flavoured Bread Mix

Add one teaspoon of ground onion skin (a mortar and pestle work well to grind) to your homemade bread dough to add mild flavor and nutrients.

4. Add extra nutrition to stews

Onion skins can be used to add extra nutrition to soups, stews, and when making bone broth or stock. Strain the papery skins out afterward.

5. Nutritious Rice

Add some onion skins when cooking rice to add extra vitamins to your food. Make sure to let them steep as the rice cooks. Simply remove the skins after cooking.

6. Hair dye

Onion skins also make a great hair dye, turning it a beautiful golden brown. Simply add onion skins to a pot of water and boil for 30-60 minutes. Let cool overnight, then strain and pour over clean hair. Leave in for 30 minutes, then rinse.

7. Relieve Muscle Cramp

Boil onion skins for 10-20 minutes making an infusion. Drain the skins from the water and drink it as a tea before bed to help relieve muscle cramps.

8. Soothing Tea

Onion skin tea is known to soothe mind and also improve immune system. Pour hot water in a cup containing tea bag/green tea leaves and onion peels and let both seep for some time. Strain the tea and relax with a healthful cup of tea.

9. Treat Sore Throat

Add onion peels in the water for 10 minutes. Boil it and gargle. It helps to lower the inflammation in throat with its anti-inflammatory properties.

10. Good Source of Antioxidants

Onion peels contains more antioxidants which manage the free radical infection. The increment of free radicals in the body lowers the body’s immunity.

If you can’t use them immediately,  freeze them! Simply store skins in a plastic bag or freezer-safe container and freeze them for later use.

Take Away

*A tea made with onion peels helps to suppress obesity, lower allergies, infections and high blood pressure.

*To provide relief from muscle cramps, drink an infusion made from onion skins before going to bed.

*Onion tea with turmeric helps to lighten dark skin.

*Onion tea also provides relief from toothache.

*It assists healing of wounds and insect bites.

*Intake of onion tea wipes out worms in intestine and prevents vomiting, stomach cramps, nausea and expels parasites. 

Onion skin is not poisonous. Although onion skin is not edible, the benefits can be reaped by adding it to stock. To extract quercetin and other beneficial plant compounds that onion skins contain, toss one onion or two, skin and all into the pot next time you make soup, stew or cook rice.

Onions are a rich source of Vitamin C which not only helps in lightening the spots but also even tightens the pores and evens out the skin’s texture.


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