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7 Benefits of Orgasms That Might Surprise Women


In case you missed it, August 8 was National Orgasm Day. Did you know that, according to the Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, barely 19 percent of women are having orgasms from vaginal sex?

Did you also know that the book The Case of the Female Orgasm found that five to 10 per cent of women have never had an orgasm? Now, that just doesn’t sit right.  Women deserve to enjoy orgasms to live happy lives.

In honour of the recent National Orgasm Day, let’s take a moment to look at what exactly the big magical O is, and why you would be doing yourself a favour to have more of them. Some benefits of orgasms might surprise you.

What is Orgasm?

Physically, an orgasm involves a set of contractions that take place not only in the vagina but also on the pelvic floor and the uterus.

These are triggered by stimulation – that stimulation can be of the vagina, clitoris, nipples or even other parts of the body.

The reason stimulation of various parts of the body might trigger orgasm is because scientists say that an orgasm is, ultimately, all in your head.

In other words, it’s a very subjective experience and while it feels incredibly physical, it’s the result of certain parts of the brain deactivating (like those associated with control) and others activating (like the ones associated with “hedonic experience.”)

It all culminates in a total sense of loss of control, that feels really good, both for the body and the brain.


A Mood Boost

You might have experienced this firsthand but didn’t know what was at play. Post orgasm, you can feel really happy and relaxed. And it’s not just because you loved that thing your partner did with their thumb.

An orgasm triggers the release of several feel-good hormones including dopamine, oxytocin and endorphins. So if you’re struggling to shake off a bad mood, grab your partner or your vibrator.

Reduced Period Pain

If you suffer from common menstrual symptoms such as cramps, you might be happy to learn that sex can actually reduce pain. Research has found that the release of endorphins and corticosteroids can help to combat pain, so an orgasm might be just what the doctor ordered.

A Better Immune System

A satisfying sex life could be just the thing that helps you get through cold and flu season. According to the Journal of Sexual Medicine, orgasms release certain neurotransmitters that are part of a system in the body that regulates the immune system.

Love Your Body Even More

There have been several studies that have explored the relationship between a woman’s body image and her ability to reach orgasm, including one from the journal Sexual Medicine that found women who love their bodies tend to have better sex.

While it’s not fully clear which influences which, all research points to the same thing: women who have regular orgasms have a better self-image.

Good Sleep

Have you noticed that you (or your partner) pass out right after climaxing? An orgasm sends a surge of relaxing hormones through the body that can leave you ready for a nice, deep sleep after sex.

If you’ve been having a difficult time sleeping, maybe sleeping pills aren’t the answer – may be a great sex toy is.

Regular Menstrual Cycles

Did you know that regular sex might help to regulate your monthly cycle? Many women grapple with irregular periods but few know that regular sex might actually be beneficial.

Research performed at Columbia and Stanford universities found that women who have sex at least once a week tend to have more regular cycles than women who rarely or never have sex.

Stronger Pelvic Floor

A strong pelvic floor is important for women. You can enjoy longer and stronger orgasms by practising your Kegel exercises as well as by enjoying regular sex. And, the benefits don’t end there.

A strong pelvic floor helps women to improve their bladder function and control which is important as women age, particularly if they have children.


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