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Nigerian women have been conditioned to cover up men’s irresponsibility, maltreatment and abuse


In this part of the world, women have been conditioned to cover up men’s irresponsibility, maltreatment and bad behaviour.

This is why you will see a woman married to a financially reckless man telling his family members and hers that he’s the best provider.

This is why you will see a woman whose husband verbally, physically and emotionally abuses continue singing his praise online and in real life.

This is why you see women whose husbands trash talk and tarnish their image before family and friends continue asking strangers for advice because they don’t know what to do.

This is why you see women who are married to rapists and pedophiles cover up their actions by blaming the devil and their victims for their husbands actions.

This is why you will see women who are being publicly humiliated, stripped naked before their children, neighbours and family members continue to protect these men from public ridicule.

I just read a post now about a marriage of two years where the man reports his wife to her siblings whenever they have a misunderstanding, lies to them and makes them scold her but she keeps quiet because she doesn’t want to tarnish his image before her own family.

According to her, she doesn’t want her siblings to start disrespecting her husband. This woman claims she’s dying in silence and is asking strangers how to handle her own husband. Isn’t she supposed to be in the honeymoon phase of her marriage?


When will Nigerian women learn to put themselves first and stop dying in silence just to cover up for men? When will these women stop asking strangers how to handle their OWN husbands?

Women should stop covering up men’s bad intentions, actions and abuse. When women don’t stand up for themselves early enough by setting standards, people won’t believe them when they eventually cry out for help.


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